For some reason I have taken to 'playing' with my butterfly - like, it is not like I haven't a few other things before it to be done. Perhaps another form of procastinating - do something else!!!! I have been pleased with the progression on this because I have tried doing a couple of things differently - the body for one - I used a stitch which I believe is a form of thread painting using a long and short stitch. It creates soft shading if done with more than one colour but with one colour it has given the body dimension rather than just a flat surface. Whilst it doesn't give the body a 'real' look it gives it depth which is what I wanted. It isn't quite finished -the thread ran out - as it does - about 1/2 dozen stitches before the end. Doing the other wing is presenting a small problem as it can't be hooped - so the stitches on that wing are a little more uneven than the first wing. I have left the bottom tail end of the wings for the moment as I am undecided if I want to change the colour or not - in my mind's eye I see a lilac or soft mauve - my logial side keeps telling me - no - but my whimisical side sees the colours mentioned. I loved doing the 'feelers' at the head - it started to lift the butterfly from being a tracing on cloth to being 'real' if that makes any sense at all. I used stem stitch as I wanted the 'feeler's to have a continuous unbroken flow about them. Between this butterfly and the book I am using as a reference, it has whetted my appetite to explore more. Perhaps this 'playing' might assist me with my bags of fun.
I have bought another cross stitch kit on ebay. I haven't bought anything for so long and then I saw a fairy which I have watched being stitched in another blog. I thought she was lovely so imagine my surprise when she came up on ebay - I realy didn't think I would win as there were other bids against her - so I was pleasantly surprised when I did. I am thinking that as soon as she arrives I will attach her to a frame and start.
Still no news on the work front. We are all being 'kept in suspenders '- (my play on that saying LOL - I love the image that it creates) - while those who dwell in lofty heights make up their collective minds. We, the workers at the coal face are the last to know. I suspect that the descision has already being made - just a gut feel. Well, one can't every say that I don't like a challenge... Onto the next adventure...
Speaking of challenges -my jeans are still attached to their legs - after washing and air drying them they are still so stiff that they could stand on their own... I am going to give them another rinse with lots of fabric softener to try and make them softer...
I have just realised after reading my sub heading at the top of my blog that I have mentioned that my journey on these pages would also cover the books that I read. And I guess you can see that there has been a noticable absence of them. It has simply been that I had forgotten that I was going to include them. My reading is probably as obsessive as my interest in stitching - more so if the truth be known - and since gaining a casual position in a bookshop - make that triple. I have read since I was old enough to do it and to the largest degree nothing is exempt - if it has words I will read it. At the moment I have six books on the go at the one time. All quite different reads - I was asked recently if I became confused and mixed the plots up - but for some reason as soon as I open a particular book I 'pick up' from where I left off... I suppose it is similiar in a way to people who stitch on a rotation basis - they pick up from where they last stitched- me I pick up on the words. What do I read mainly? More about that in another entry...
I am going to be working six days straight so I could be missing for that time - but I shall return...
Hi Sharlee, Love reading your blog - I am really looking forward to see what you do on your bag. To soften your jeans soak them in really hot water that has Bicarbonate of Soda added to it (1/2 to 1 cup) over night, then wash or just rinse them out the next day. Even if you air dry them they will be soft. Hope this helps.
Hi Sharlee, you have got yourself into the same predicament as me when I started seriously blogging! Patra's Place was supposed to be about SINS and WIPs, but I kept deviating as I saw what other people put on their blogs. The solution was to start another blog for other things - so, why not start a new one up for your stitching?
Hi Sharlee,
I always knew that somewhere in this world there had to be another reader who had more than one book going at the same time. Many times I've been asked how would I ever keep the characters and plots all straight in my mind, but it's really no problem. As soon as I read a sentence or two I'm right back in the swing of things going on in whichever book I happen to have in my hand.
Like your butterfly . . . . she's looking very nice.
Hi there calidore - I like reading your blog too... You must be a mind reader - in the back of my mind I was thinking about bi-cab soda too - I just wasn't sure what to do with it...Thanks for the suggestion - much appreciated :)
Gina E - I didn't know you with your new 'hat' on... Me? Start another blog - not likely - you know the trouble I have with this one... I would never leave my seat if I started another one...
G'day dawn - I am a shocker with my books... It would be up under the heading of obsessive :) I am glad to meet another bookaholic
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