This was one of my 'ideas' the original image came from a stain glass pattern I download from the net when I was looking for butterflies... I traced the butterfly onto the calico then started an outline stitch around the wings and then satin stitch for the body... I found some broken beads in my 'treasure' box and stitch three of those as the 'eye' in the wing... But it got boring and I stashed in the 'too hard' basket. I realised my mistakes straight away - isn't hindsight a wonderful tool - I should have left the heart shape traced on a larger piece of material rather than cut it out - I like to use a hoop and I found 'wiggling' the heart around in a small hoop drove me nuts. I also hadn't decided what to put into the wings... I wanted to give it an olde world look... I wasn't sure whether I wanted to colour them in or leave the calico underneath and just have the outline. This is where I can see the use of a visual diary coming in to its own.
E has had an upgrade on her drawing tablet and I have aquired her old one - I am hoping to be able to use it in things such as this perhaps getting some idea of what it would look like before I start stitching it. Next time...
This has a beautiful flow to it - I have looked at stained glass patterns, but except for one small dragon, not pulled them together. But this is perfect for the structure of a butterfly's wing
I like your butterfly and am wondering if the heart could be temporarily basted onto a larger piece of fabric that could be more easily hooped?
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