...but I will be back soon...
... G from Patra's Place came visiting. I suggested to her that we might go to a couple of op-shops I had seen but never visited ... She didn't need any second invitation and off we went in her little blue car... We spent an enjoyable time browsing with G finding yet another table cloth to add to her collection. At one stage we had the ladies of the store madly sorting through a box which had newly arrived to see if there was something that G may be interested in. I of course had to 'scan' the books just to see if there wasn't a title or two that may take my fancy... We both commented on the amount of stitching that seem to end its days in op-shops. In particular one largish, framed cross stitch which had been stitched with nursery type animals obviously for a small child. G and I both wondered why someone would give it away when it looked like it had taken quite a bit of work. I silently hoped that it would find a good home...We then came home for some lunch and 'catching up'. I looked at G's 'stuff' and she looked at mine. It was a nice way to spend a wintry Melbourne day... Thanks G!!!!
... that all this reading and looking has made me feel a little disgruntled with what I do... Why? I think I feel like a kid who has stood outside the lolly shop with her nose pressed against the window for so long that now I have access to the 'inside' I don't know what to do first... I am simply overwhelmed by the possibility of it all. That and having so little 'real' time to do it... Perhaps it is time for me to take stock and decide. But decide what?
... I have 'blogged' myself out. In the last while I have read and read and read and then, read some more. I have 'clicked' and 'skipped' to so many new sites and then travelled around the world without leaving my front door. I have looked at so much that everything I have seen has merged into a constant revolving kaleidoscope overflowing with colours and shapes. And I am exhausted!!!!! I am overfull, on the richness and vibrancy of what people create... I should have pushed myself away from the comp long before I did. Now I am suffering from 'over exposure'. My own fault I know...
Well, they probably wouldn't stand up to the scrunity of a 'professional' stitcher but they are a start... What am I talking about? My french knots of course. After feeling somewhat frustrated after my last efforts I decided in that I would have another go - as you do... So in the midst of cleaning up I sat down amongst the 'rubble' and took up the needle once again... And bingo they worked!!!!! So I went onto do five in a row... Now as I said they aren't by any stretch Embroidery Guild standard - but they are there in the place they are meant to be and looking somewhat like what they are suppose to... I guess at looking at them compared to the rest of the stitching - they match - rustic!!!! I will post a picture when I have completed the next bit...
...saw me stitching. I was determined to do more to my 'practice' piece of Leannne's House BOM. The back stitch is 'very rustic' - but the french knots have me beaten. A few months ago I stitched something else which required quite a few french knots and they were no trouble to do but this morning I just couldn't quite get the hang of them. Then again considering it was 3 am perhaps that may have had something to do with it. I will give them another go this afternoon. I am wanting to get this next bit finished so I can assemble the block. Just as well as P is as easy going as he is - I have bits spread all over the dining room. He just looks and suggests that the room is 'lived in'. Yep, that certainly can't be argued with...A blast from the past. I happen to see someone I haven't seen for quite a number of years. She was on the telly being interviewed about her field of work. It left me feeling a little odd and quite reflective. Seeing her, took me back to those heady times when the world was a place ready to be discovered. I was so full of 'intention' in those days that I was 'overflowing'. What happened? Perhaps we just took different forks in the road...Back to the french knots...
I am slowly starting to change the look of 'The Blank Page'. It has evolved since I first 'open the door' to it back in Feb of this year. Each time I come here I see things I would like to alter or add. This seems to be my creative outlet at the moment and I have actually enjoyed 'playing'. There have been some moments of frustration - but so far it has provided and proved a great learning curve. Since E has shown me how to link to the photos from here I am madly loading the images. One picture is worth a thousand words, so they say. P is great with his infinite patience when I ask numerous questions and like a true creative person ( tongue in cheek here!) I 'know' what I want I just can't articulate it... But after much arm waving (me) and 'you know' (me) P normally can work out what I am on about and the best way to execute it. However I am pleased to say that I have figured out bits for myself as well...
Last night I was so excited when one of the changes I attempted worked first time that I let out a triumphant whoop - P stumbled in befuddled by sleep wondering what all the noise was about. Can I help it that little things excite me? If you had told me a few months ago that I would be doing this kind of thing I would have thought you had lost (quite) a few brain cells. Whilst I am still very much a 'babe in the woods' at least I seem to be holding the map partially the right way round. The more I explore other people's blogs - the more I gain ideas for my own - both in the blog design and craft/stitching arena. But I guess that is what it is about really... LOL... But is this getting much stitching (or anything else for that matter) done. Ahhh... Not really... Balance is needed here. I spend so much time looking that I spend precious (if at all) time 'doing'. I have ideas for things 'popping' up like mushrooms - I have now resorted to a folder and plastic sleeves to try and contain some of the paper which has the lastest next best thing (idea). It is as if I have allowed this creative side of myself 'out to play' and she is taking full advantage 'feasting' on every thing she sees...As I said in a entry a couple of days ago I have rediscovered my paints - this has come about because of a friend of mine who has recently had her first baby. I wanted to give her something special - something which was handmade and as I know my limitations with my stitching I thought of painting her a baby box.I went to the library and borrowed quite a lot of folk art magazines and of course there are heaps of designs which 'called to me' - I am quite hopeless!!!!!!!!! I have now narrowed the choice down to two - both fairies. I am quite excited at the prospect of 'getting down and getting dirty' so to speak. I will post a photo when I have completed it.
... the word has it that G from Patra's Place has found bountiful 'treasures'... More op shops, more aprons, more linen. She will be back over the weekend so I am sure there will be a full report on her blog. Stay tuned...
My 'favorites' are bursting to overflowing with all the blogs I have picked up in my 'surfing'. My morning coffee isn't long enough these days to read all of them. So over the next few hours, days, weeks I am hoping to put more of them onto my sidebar for more easy access - or perhaps just make more room in my 'favorites'I am also attempting to load more things into different sections of my side bar. Now, how I think this is helping me in the long run I am not sure... Make a more 'honest' woman out of me. 'Declaring' all those bits and pieces that I have stashed away in boxes, in cupboards, under desks etc. A constant reminder to 'self' that this 'ark' is full to capacity. Once I thought that I needed another room - now I am thinking I need another house. Perhaps shifting would help the problem - I would need to cull. Perish the thought...I have recently re discovered my folk art paints and the urge to get reaquainted with them is very strong. So these too are emerging from the cupboards. Oh no!!!! There goes the neighbourhood!!!! This house is starting to look like a scene from Disney's 'Fantasia' with everything multiplying more quickly than I can stuff it back. But it's fun....
This is one corner section.
This is one end section only.
I spent some time with my sister today and we caught up on each other lives over a cuppa... I was telling her about my exploits over the last week. I finally got around to the 'Chicken Scratch' sage - it has more chapters than 'Gone with the Wind'. I told her about her the blue gingham table cloth which her mother-in-law had given me worked with the 'Chicken Scratch' stitch many, many years ago. Her mother -n-law was a member of the CWA (Country Womens' Association) and my sister believes that is where she learnt to do the stitch. I told her that my table cloth seemed to have disappeared during one of my house moves.My sister then rushed to her linen cupboard and returned with a flourish, not unlike a magician, with a swirling cape. Lo and behold a finely preserved 'Chicken Scratch' tablecloth in each hand. A lemon one and and orange one. The orange one would team really well with L's apron op-shop find. A matching set. Only kidding!!!! My sister offered me one as a replacement but I suggested she keep them both for posterity.
Not only that, but also she produces a tray cloth that she figured would have to be at least 70 years old. This one is for you G - a beloved Crinoline Lady - it too, is fairly well kept - however age and use has worn it. I promised faithfully that I would return all after I scanned them. There is no difference between the 'Chicken Scratch' lemon and orange table cloth - just a different application as far as design goes. I have been limited by size in the scanning, but will photograph each of them once the camera is working again.Isn't it amazing what we find in our linen cupboards - or rather, that of our relatives. My sister also showed me a couple of hand embroidered tablecloths she bought from Abbey's auctions - I think you would like those too G.
... what a great day I have had. I haven't done one thing that I planned to do re this mornings blog - well not directly anyway... P and I went out for a coffee to Ringwood - a suburb directly in line with ours but about a fifteen minute drive. It has a huge retail development as they all seem to these days. But the best bit was they have a large Salvation Army op shop - or rather they refer to it as a 'family store' - which means in essence, it is big enough to find anything there - and probably what you least expect to find. P and I went out separate ways once in the store. The up shot of this all is that I had some wonderful time. I came across a furnishing fabric sample with a palette of colours - 33 in all. The feature piece of fabric is a soft sky blue and is about 2' 1/2" by 2" 1/2" - now while the palette colours are only narrow pieces of fabric 7 1/2" X 4" - they would be good for a small border or a splash of colour. This cost me the princely sum of $2.50 - but folks, there is more - on the way out I noticed a jewelry bin with bagged bits and pieces. Now this is where I get very excited - they had some great bits and pieces - perfect in fact if one was contemplating life as a crazy quilter... 5 pieces for $3.00. So this shopping venture cost me all of $5.00.We then went down to Eastlands which is the shopping complex - after a cuppa and looking gleefully at my stash I went off to Lincraft which despite their demise is still operating as a fabric store. Here I found some little strings of seed beads for 49c each - I bought an orange one and a white one. At this point I bought a beading needle - $2.20. Onto Riot Art and Craft - a craft store- where I spotted some more beads - perfect for a mermaid's tail- normally $5.00 for $2.00. My total spending $10.20 for the afternoon. I was one happy girl...Now G @ Patra's Place and L @ Chloe's Place this is for you. I still had some time to pass this afternoon while I waited for P, so I went across to the newsagents to browse at their craft magazines. I picked up an English one called Stitch - with the Embroider's Guild. Well, you could have knocked me down with a , well a whatever - there as one of their spreads, was a full colour two page 'Chicken Scratch' article. I can tell you, I felt like I was being haunted!!!! The magazine was $12.95 and I was reluctant to spend that much otherwise I would have bought it. There were some very good photos and explanations of the varieties of this stitch - the person who wrote the article said she had learnt it while staying over here in Oz. Apparently, both we and our American stitching sisters, claim it as our own. But hey, let's not fight over it. Now in case one of you two ladies would like to buy the magazine it was No 34 - April/May edition. Not all newsagents have it - but most of the larger ones do stock it... Talk about coincidence - until the last week I thought 'Chicken Scratch' was well, what chickens do - scratch.Again, all this blogging isn't getting any stitching done... But isn't it fun!! I am slowly adding to my side bar. Digging down deep in the 'hope chest' - it is amazing what I have packed away. And I have decided that I shall endeavour to get them all framed and hung...
I have learnt how to load pictures and link them to another site. As you can see in my side bar there has been an inclusion of another heading - 'Completed Works'. I have decided to start 'displaying' the bits I have done over the last few years - bring them out from 'their eternal sleep' in the 'hope chest'. I have never had these pieces framed for one reason or another. After my 'find' at the op shop the other day I thought it is such a pity that mine have never seen the light of day. It is funny that I shall readily put a stranger's work on my wall, but not my own.So I am ironing and scanning today and then hopefully onto the next step. After some trial and error with both E and P assisting I have learnt to do the whole process on my own - of which I am very proud. And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!I am finding slowly bit by bit that I am making this blog more my own. Even hung a clock on the wall. Perhaps this is a lesson for me that things take a while to develop. And in some ways this is much a creative journey as what I do off screen. As my daughter pointed out to me that here in a non challenging way I am learning new skills. It funny though I tend to disregard them as such as I have had fun learning them - but put me in a class room situation and ask me to do the same things I would freak. Interesting the way we think...Pam Kellog's 'Embellishment Challenge' is still floating through my stratesphere. And I have taken the radical step - toungue in cheek here - to begin a work book - just for the fun of it. Nothing too serious mind. Perhaps if I get all these ideas buzzing around in my brain on to paper then I will be able to make some headway. At the moment I feel like I have a hundred voices all shouting 'pick me, pick me!!!' So sometime this weekend I shall attempt to have a 'play'. I am even seriously thinking the library - just so I don't get disturbed or more to the point waylaid into doing something else.When I was studying - one of my classmate's husband actual rented some office space for her to go and do her work. He maintained that she would feel like she was being productive and get it done. She was writing a children's book at the time. But like us all felt guilty for the time she took at home to do 'her thing'. There was always an endless amount of other things she should be doing. I have read countless accounts of creative people - especially writers and artists having another space in which they go 'to do'. In each case they felt as though they achieved more having a place, besides home, to go to - gave them a sense of purpose to achieve a certain amount each time. Plus I guess, undisturbed, to allow the creative thoughts to flow.Me, I maintain even if I was in my coffin someone would be knocking on the lid asking about something or where it was... Ok, enough 'chat' let me go 'do'...
... I have spent browsing more blogs. If I spent as much time 'doing' as I do looking I would have an abundant number of finished projects... I have also printed out Pamela Kellogg 'Embellishment Challenge'... Another piece of paper to add to the pile... All these ideas flood my brain... Perhaps the KISS principle need here - 'Keep It Simple Stupid'... Why do I want to soar before I can barely stand upright? My biggest problem - me thinks...
... why I blog. The last couple of weeks I have been thinking about my blog and and why I do it... What is it that has attracted me to this type of writing. I have always liked to write - but I was never any good at keeping journals. I would start out ok - Jan 1st, the first of a month, a Monday, all new beginnings. I would sigh with great anticipation as I looked at all those blank pages just waiting to be filled. By Jan. 5th, halfway through a month ,or on a Wednesday, I was quite sick of the whole process. I guess my life was not interesting enough to want to keep a track of it - let alone thinking that someone out there in my distant future may be even vaguely interested in reading about it... Plus I hated the whole 'do it everyday' mentality. I hated those journals that had the day and date neatly printed at the top. I think my paranoia rose to the fore - what if I missed a day?
Like a lot of people who write I liked to read - autobiographies and journals always proved fascinating reads - but of course they were written by famous and/or interesting people. They always had a lifestyle so diverse from my own I liked a 'peek' so to speak. As a browser of second hand books I delight when I find one that has an inscription on the fly leaf. Not so much the 'Happy Birthday or Merry Christmas ' sort - more the ones that were meant as some sort of inspiration from the giver to the potential reader... I remember one book that I came across that had so many personal reflections written that I felt like I had 'trespassed' on this person's life. I returned it to the shelf thinking that I would go on forever wondering about them if I took it home with me. But isn't that in some ways what journaling is about - if I was to read a diary of a drover's wife way back when - wouldn't I continue to wonder what was written between the lines. What was life really like for her - she has given me a glimpse - but what is the real picture?
But why do I blog? I was trying to think back to what induced me to start bloging. I have re- read my first entry and it went on about 'my creative journey' wanting to combine my writing with my creative life. So what - me, and a thousand other people too. What am I wanting to record and for whom or is that who? What do I actually get out of it? Where is my pay off in it?
I know other people read it - I have the stats. counter to prove it. But what is is that I want. Yes, I like that fact that other people read it for what ever reason - probably much the same as I read other blogs. For me it is a way to keep in contact with what other people are doing - both craftwise and life wise... But why the need to record it in this medium? Perhaps the exhibitionist in me... Perhaps I just think too much... More ramblings of a demented crafter...
Back to craft - more Go Lo yarn - this time a verigated blue. Scarf for youngest daughter - she chose the yarn so we are off to a promising start...
One of the op-shop houses...
... I met with G from Patra's Place and L from Chloe's Place. I was very excited at the propect of meeting L. For months I have been reading her blog and viewing the wonderful work posted there and was trying to bring to mind all the questions I had silently asked her time and time again... The day started with L arriving here at home where we had an introductory cuppa then we were off to G to start the day in earnest. G took us to 'Savers' - best described as op-shop emporium. A collecter's (such as our good selves) delight. There we browsed like butterflies on freshly bloomed flowers, flitting from one section to another... I bought two mens ties which took my eye - I liked one especially as it was a repeated checkered design of small 'tuscan' type house with 'shaped' trees on alternate squares... In the back of my mind I can see it might link in with a simple small sample blackwork stitchery I have had for ages... Not sure how at this stage - but any excuse!!!!! The other tie was very, very bright splotched colour - I kidded P that I had bought it for him -he who hates ties- to wear...Onto lunch in one of the local cafes. With food and a much deserved coffee we planned our next step. On our way back to G's we stopped at another op-shop. This one, while not nearly the size of the previous one, yeilded more in the way of treasure. I was lucky enough to spot two framed pictures of houses - you couldn't tell I have a theme growing here could you. On closer inspection I discovered they were printed on fabric, then hand embroidered with flowers climbing a trellis and in the garden. Very me... I then found a very old patchwork and quilting book with reasonably clear instructions for constuctions... And I need all the clear instuctions I can find!!!! G and L also fouind some bargains... L was especially taken with hers and G and I agreed that she too, had 'done good'.Back at G's, she and L sorted out the linen and aprons that needed to be photographed while I perused through G large collection of embroidery books. G is going to need many, many lifetimes to do even half of what she has. But I guess the pleasure is having the choice
Another cuppa and later in the afternoon we had the chance to get down to some very 'serious discussion'. L had bought some of her work for 'show and tell', and as I sat with it in my hand some of those silent questions came back to me. I felt like a kid trying to take it all in. The chicken or the egg question sprung to mind... "What comes first," I asked, "is it the design, the 'naked' patch, or is it an idea that brings it all together?" L's answer was in some ways what I had expected. "It can be either or and sometimes it can be all"... In a later discussion, she suggested that the whole thing can be about the journey and not the destination... A favorite adage of mine. "Yes," she added "I likes to see things completed but it was about what happened along the way that is equally important." As I looked and looked and looked I could see that I had a long and interesting journey ahead of me - but by the same token I could see that I was already 'home'.To-day I have started to form some interesting questions for myself. One of which related again to a comment L made about 'the gene pool'... It in some ways goes back to the scientific debate about whether we are a product of our gene pool or the environment in which we live... For a very long time I have struggled with the question, do I want to create because of the sort of gene pool and environment I came from, or is it that there is something (artistic) in me I want to express in an particular manner. What has this got to do with stitching you might ask? I don't know at this point - but for me, it is worth pondering as I go through my 'stash' looking...Thank you L for your conversation - it helped a great deal - and perhaps more then you would realise... And thank you G for arranging the day - although it was short, it quenched a thirst somewhere in my soul...An update on the Go LO orange yarn, it is now a very warm scarf -bordering on shawl with a long fringe. As I said to the G and L yesterday -it is my equivalent to a red hat
Both my daughters have said they wouldn't mind one so I guess it can't be all that bad...