Saturday, January 06, 2007

The long, dry summer...

The heat is continual and exhausting down here in Melbourne everyone waiting for that magical cool change... Another sleepless night ahead - P, E and I went for a drive down to the beach after I finished work last night... I couldn't believe how much cooler it was - I stood in the shallows and it was just delicious... My desire to live by the water renewed...

Between the heat, the harsher water (Stage 3) restrictions and the noise from construction (that should read, re designing, re locating) work being carried out on the local intesection and railway station (24 hours a day) for the next five weeks, the invasion of ants and cockroashes I could be certifiable - still on thinking about it - just the perfect place to catch up on some crazy quilting...


Val said...

Ugh, isn't it horrid. I just went to Shoppo for some stuff on sale, the library and the supermarket, all nicely air conditioned, including the car. Now at home it's all fans at full blast. I'm turning off the computer, a heat generator in itself.

Hope that cool change comes SOON!

Nia said...

Nicer day today :) Hope you're much more comfortable :)

I'm hopign to do some stitchign tonight :)