This block belongs to M... She is J's daughter and has taken an interest in CQ... M created a block which has then embarked on a round world trip... It has come to Australia - to two states - Victoria and South Australia. After I have added my bits it will go on to New Zealand and then back home to England... I wish I could pack myself up with it and go with too...
I always amazed at these connections... I may not ever meet J and M - but I have a little piece of them here with me in my lounge room... The friendship that binds and bonds people with this craft is mind blowing... It is also a great way to see other peoples work up 'close and personal' - the old adage 'one picture is worth a thousand words' - is certainly very true here... Except in this case I can actually hold 'the picture' in my hands...
M has also included a 'record book' - each person who contributes to the block also makes a entry to the book as well...
There is a map as well which we pinpoint where we live... In years to come this block and its bits will be lovely to look back on and remember not only the experience of doing it but the memories that will have 'attached themselves' to this period of time in M's life... The writer in me is always fasinated by journeys - whether they be physical journeys or otherwise. This CQ block's journey is no different as I start to ask myself questions of 'what if', 'could it' and ' would it be possible'. Hmmm... More food for thought...
I am very excited to do this for M as I have never really done anything like this before... It has given me permission to 'have a play and lighten up' so to speak and being able to do it for someone else has made it that more special... So in lots of ways it is a first - not only for M - but for me too... I hope you like what I add M... At this stage I intend to use the yellow space for my contribution...
I am very excited to do this for M as I have never really done anything like this before... It has given me permission to 'have a play and lighten up' so to speak and being able to do it for someone else has made it that more special... So in lots of ways it is a first - not only for M - but for me too... I hope you like what I add M... At this stage I intend to use the yellow space for my contribution...
Hopefully by next week - all being well- the block will be ready to continue on its journey - one more stop - before finally home...
Sharon, what a buzz!! I am so glad for you to have this chance to do a bit on a CQ block, as I know how keen you have been to get into this sort of thing. Now while you have this one in your posession, all you have to do is have a close look at how this one is constructed, grab some scraps from your stash, and make one of your own! Just to practice on. And if you do it, may I have the privilege of adding something to it? Looking forward to seeing what you put on the yellow section of M's CQ.
I can relate to your feelings about having a piece of someone in your own home. I feel like that about XS Round robins. I like the idea of a 'record book' and a map.
By the way have you guys melted yet? We are close to it :-0
Hi Sharon, I answered your question on my blog, but I realise you may not return to my comments section. So ...
the shop was called, I think, Est Handmade, but I can't find it in my phone book. It was in Auburn Rd Hawthorn, no. 134 from memory. A very small shop, on the west side of the street. It's not a button shop, but a homewares shop, selling linens, trinkets, soaps (which they make out the back), ribbon, candle sticks, jugs, you name it. Everything is made from natural undyed materials,and it is also the place that gave me the idea of knitting cotton facewashers, if you saw that on my blog several months ago.
Good luck,and if you find it, can you let me know? I'd like to write the name and address down for certain. Thanks!
CQ could be your challenge for 2006 :) Sorry to hear you've been so down with your sinuses and this damned heat! Hopefully that op isn't too far down the track for you, which will improve your quality of life again :) I thought of you today as I was getting my hair cut at Box Hill ... hopefully we'll be able to catch up soon :)
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