Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Guess who...

...was 99 on Monday...Not the best photo but I couldn't let the day pass to far along without sharing it... Unfortunately for my dad he was in hospital for his birthday as he had a bad chest infection towards the middle of last week... He seldom complains when he is sick so it wasn't until he collapsed that the alarm bells went off and he was shipped off to hospital where he picked up fairly quickly...

I told him yesterday he only another 365 days until he gets his letter from the Queen... That and a BIG party...

That's him tucking into an 'iced coffee' which in his words was "bewt"

Until later please take care - especially those of you in Queensland flood affected areas - you are in my thoughts and prayers...

S xx

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Gosh he looks so good for that age, Sharon! Ken's Mum will be 98 next month; we never thought she would live this long - and neither did she!! But will we??