Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have been very remiss in 2007 and have just not caught up with anyone who may have left comments on my blog - I will try to make amends in 2008!!!! At the moment I am busy cleaning the house and throwing - giving to op-shop :)- stuff that I no longer have use for - I am hoping that someone out there (like your good selves) will find them and give them new and useful homes... I am slowly making my way through the house and have made myself a promise that by my next birthday in Sept. I will be well on the way to a less cluttered and more peaceful home.

Since watching the Abbey I have come to realise how much 'stuff' we gather around ourselves in order to fill/feed the void in our lives... Whilst I still have a long way to go I am more determined this year to recycle what I already have rather than go and and buy more "stuff" I am also trying very hard to see my glass as half full rather than half empty... I am wanting to embrace a 'slow' life and be more fruitful in my endeavours and begin to 'live and enjoy' rather than 'going through the motions' at a neck breaking speed and certainly missing the scenery. I want to create some space in all levels of my life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The need to de clutter - again on all levels - has been beating like a tattoo in my mind these last few months. Having these two weeks off work has given me a window of opportunity to at least make a start. I have gone through boxes of bits and pieces I have had packed away for the last six years since E and I moved here - some things I have held back not yet ready to let them go - but a lot has gone with more still to be sorted. I have considered selling bits on Ebay but mostly I just wanted them gone and I know that for most they will be received into some other home and be recycled.

I believe that there is a direct relationship to the way I have been feeling these last few months - a feeling of not being able to breathe, feeling stifled, congested and constricted - to the way the house has become. I do take heed of the adage of 'so above so below - so within so without'. In other words each state of being is reflected - if our internal world is in chaos chances our external world will mirror that chaos. There are aspects in my life that I am not altogether happy about but I have let them slide, let them mount up and like my external world they have got get out of hand - it is now well past time to make amends and get things back on track...

I came across an interesting blog in my blog hopping in which the blogger was saying that rather than making new years resolutions she chooses a word as her mantra for the year or as long as she feels the need for it. She warns against choosing too many and suggests a limit of two or three at the most.

As I continued reading the word release 'popped off' the page and I knew in that instant that it was going to be my word for 2008 or for as long as I need it. Perhaps its side kick could be 'useful' as I am feeling the need to bring into my life only the things that are immediately of some use. I can sense that using this as a strategy I will be able to bring my internal and external worlds s back into harmony...

2008 will be my year to explore, experience and express rather than to purchase, have and possess. I am going to spend more time with my family and friends - taking pleasure in 'simple' and be in the 'present' not galloping forward in my mind to some future time or event. No wonder I feel exhausted all of the time!!!!!

On a lighter note - I am looking forward to starting one of the quilt projectsI have tucked away waiting for that 'perfect day' when the time is right. The time I believe is right - right now!!!! There is a spot on the wall just inside my front door and in my mind's eye it is already hanging there.

There is an urge to return to a cross stitch which I put down earlier this year - it wants to be finished and go to the person it was destine for.

I want to return to my writing and amidst all this cleaning I have begun to create a quiet place - in the bedroom - to do just that - a spot where I can go and play soft music and write until my heart is content.

I am thinking about a girls' day - perhaps stitching or afternoon tea - where we can get together and enjoy each others company for a couple of hours once a month.

Welcome 2008 - I am so looking forward to spending time in your company...


Gina E. said...

You're on the right track Sharon.. By thinking all those issues through, then putting it down on paper or in cyberspace, the job is half done because you have planted the seeds firmly in your mind. How many times have we discussed having a regular stitching group? Let's make it happen this year!

Unknown said...

Sharon, thank you for dropping by The Trad Pad for a Happy New Year visit. Isn't it wonderful getting rid of stuff? Decluttering. That is one form of release.

I do agree with the idea of a mantra. I do something similar. Each year at this time I am looking for a verse of scripture to come along on which I can meditate throughout the year. Sometimes I get the same verse in consecutive years or a couple of years on. I realise then that there is still more to be learned, to be squeezed and teased out.

On the subject of "release" which is a good thing to think on throughout the year - and perhpas for all the years to come - we need to remember that we are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings and release needs to come into each of those areas of our being.

The de-cluttering is great for its physical and mental rewards. And I do so agree about our external environment reflecting our interior life (even though I hate saying this because that mess I have allowed to accumulate is a mirror of my crazy mind and my wandering spirit!) What I am trying to say is that the emotional and spiritual parts of our being are not so easily released. A consignment to the opp-shop does not impact on those deep areas of our lives and being. With those we need help - from God, from spiritual companions - in our spirit.

I think you have made some very wise decisions which so many people don't make. Think of all those people pedalling away at gyms and pounding the roadways. Are they paying enough attention to their minds, their spirits? I think few of them are.

In my view, we need to get the spirit life into a healthy state (a never-ending job). This drives the mind, and the mind drives the body. This is Miss Eagle's theory of how things work. (Smile!)

I don't stitch but can I be invited if I bring my decoupage cutting out and make the cups of tea for everyone else? Please?

Happy New Year.
Blessings and bliss.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thought provoking post Sharon.

Decluttering is on my list of todo's this year also.

I've already de-cluttered my job :)

I'll be in on the regular stitching thing depending no when it is!

Suse said...

Happy new year Sharon, to you and your beloveds.

I like the idea of a word or two to 'hold' for the year. I might take that one on.

Sharon said...

Thanks girls for your comments..I am endeavouring to step off on the right foot this year in my responses to comments left on my blog..

G - I am only too happy to start this - perhaps at the end of Feb when the weather is on the cool down side.. It would have to be either a Saturday or a Sunday..

miss eagle - you are more than welcome to join us.. I look forward to continuing our discussions...

Hi T - Again congratulations on your new job... Watch this space for further details or email me with your phone number... Anne looks like she is moving to Sydney for the long haul doesn't she... And to think she lived around the corner from me to start with...Damn, damn, damn...

G'day Suse,
How is life over there among the trees... Yes, we are already to begin (again) Really enjoy reading your blog and it gives me many a giggle.. We often go over your way (general direction of where I think you live) and I visit the op shops there and as I 'hunt" I wonder if you and I have trod the same paths... You too are more than welcome to join us... LOL I have lots of words I could 'hold' for 2008 - but they mostly aren't very nice...