Saturday, December 08, 2007


E's life drawing teacher's partner has designed and created these bees for the Eureka Tower in Melbourne. E was there today as the very tricky business of installing them started. There are 11 bees in total and it has taken over a year to get them to this stage. Today each bee had to be partly assembled before being hoisted to their new 'hive' Up until today they have been housed in a large warehouse near the city and E was lucky enough to get a sneak preview some months ago when her class visited. She says one can only appreciate their size when you are standing along side one of them.

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

How cool is that! I don't even know exactly where the Eureka Tower is (is that the Grollo Ego monstrosity?), but I must find out - I'd love to have a closer look at these bees. Fantastic work.