Sunday, March 20, 2005

Cirque Du Soleil...

Phew what a week... What with the wedding last weekend, the short week in Victoria, working all day yesterday then going out last night I feel like time has literally 'flown' past me... We are already half way through March and I feel like I haven't done anything when in actual fact I probably have done heaps...

Pete booked ticket to 'Cirque Du Soleil - Quidam' last year. He thought it might be something for me to look forward to after the wedding ... 'Coming down' - post wedding so to speak...

Wow!!! Probably an inadequate word to describe the performances we saw last night... Just when one thought they couldn't be 'thrilled' anymore - there was more... It was held in a 'big top' to create the circus atmosphere - but that was about the only correlation to what we expect of a circus as we know or remember it...

Having seen it at various times on the tv I thought I would know what to expect but tv certainly cannot do it justice. As with any live performance there is always something happening - they have a very 'active' floor or as in a lot of times a very 'active' mid ceiling... The timing is to perfection - no detail escapes tc make the whole experience memorable...

If I were to describe the night it was a combination of mime, dance, 'high wire' - without the tradional high wire - comedy, music and a story that weaves its way through bringing it all together... And of course there are costumes and 'props'... The artists are just breathtaking they use their bodies with expertise, and a combination of daring and risk which of course must be huge amounts of practice for them to be as skilled... The artists contorted, twisted, tumbled, leapt, 'fell' and were 'thrown' sequence after sequence... And again I will say 'Wow'....

Again this night 'knocked' on the door of my languishing imagination - and words, images and sounds flowed freely through... Pete bought the CD so I am looking forward to listening to it and allowing the experience to wash through me and transport me back into the world under the big top which is 'Cirque Du Soleil - Quidam'...

Next week Easter is on the doorstep....

1 comment:

sharonb said...

I bet it was fantastic - we are great fans in this household - they seem to do the impossible and technically they are brilliant