... from the garden... A humble geranium but such a fabulous colour - my sister got it right when she said that the colour was almost luminous... This one sits on the steps outside the kitchen door and it cannot help but cheer me up when I see it... It is the first thing I see when we come home of a night after work - it gives me such a sense of home... These plants seem to survive even the roughest of conditions - I admire their spirit... With our tightening water restrictions this is one of the plants I can depend on to survive..
This is the latest block I have worked on as part of the CQRRO6... I did the section with the butterflies... This fan block will look spectacular once it is finished... It has whetted my appetite to have a go at making one for myself next year... Onto the next one now...

We bought this lily (not sure of its real name or plant grouping) two years ago... Last year it flowered but not brilliantly - this year we have been blessed with twelve flowers on three stems - it is absolutely stunning... We have watched in amazement as one bud emerged after another... I think that with the very warm spring weather we have experienced down in Melbourne it has promoted this wonderful display. Again a photo doesn't 'tell' the real story but I thought I would share this snippet from our garden...
Here is M's Mermaid framed... The photo doesn't really do it justice - but I thought I would show the finished piece... The mount was exactly the same colour as the mermaid's skirt and same blue/green was repeated in the narrow part of the recessed area of the frame. The frame itself was an old gold and just completed the piece nicely... Finishing this has now urged me to perhaps get some of my other pieces framed professionally... Especially this Indian I did some years ago....One ticked off the list - now to contemplate the next - which ever that will be...
I have been waiting on this one for a little while now - I ordered it through the shop... I was very excited when it arrived yesterday and probably more than a little overwhelmed when I flicked through it... It contains page after page of stitch combinations... The mind did 'leap frogs' as to the possiblities... Where do I begin???? I think it has arrive right at the right moment as I have one block in the CQRR06 that I am a little stumped for what to do... Surely I can find something in this to help me...
My contribution is the top seam stitched in a combination of blanket stitch and French knots... I added small beads, the gold charm which I also beaded and the dragonflies which were paperclips from a scrapbooking shop... I wanted to suggest a continuous movement and at the same time compliment J's fan and H's flowers (which are out of shot)... I folded the block in order to get a clear picture and unfortunately didn't think to unfold it again for a second shot... H's flowers are Australian wildflowers beautifully stitched complete with tiny bees... J's as you can see is a delicate fan worked in blackwork with a trail of small flowers along the seam line... B has suggested she intends to make this block into a swing purse when it returns home to America... It is amazing how the same shape block has inspired so many different ideas and applications for use...I am endeavouring to 'catch up' and show the things I did while I was non blogging... There is not much to see mind you...

This book is at the local art supply shop... I have looked at it a few times - I recently discovered it at the library and now that I have had a chance to really sit and read it it is definetely on my 'wish list'...It has been a little hectic around here with E's final couple of weeks at the art course she has been doing - of course everything has to be handed in - silly me... I have discovered (don't ask) that blue oil paint doesn't dry overnight, with a hairdryer on full heat aimed at it nor sitting in the warmed griller compartment ( stove compartment of the oven is on) - oil paint takes its own sweet time about drying... The painting has more fingerprints than the local police station...As of today I am working evenings at the bookshop - this means I have nearly all Friday to myself - the mind boggles at the possiblities...It is kind of like having a three day weekend... But if they are like today very little has been achieved... My sewing area looks like a mess... I need to get in there and give it a good round up...Ok I am off... Have a good weekend everyone...